Friday, September 18, 2009

Wild Wild West

This week we are to put our idea down on paper as to what we are doing our Wild Wild West website on. I am have a hard time doing this. We have looked at so much these last couple of weeks and I have so many different ideas. I have thought about doing my web site on Annie Oakley and other larger then life frontier people. I have also thought about taking a look at the move west from the Native Americans point of view.
I am thinking of doing my website in the legends of the frontier like Davie Crockett, Daniel Boom, the pioneers of the west and how they conceded the west and the Native Americans. I have also look at how the American dream has changed with the westward movement. Have we given up any of what we thought the American Dream is or have we developed a better American Dream. Are we a free country or are there limitation on our freedoms of the.
I have also been thinking of how is the westward movement of Americans different from the Mexicans movement northward. Are there anything the same about these movements or are they totally different.


  1. Cindy--all good ideas. I think that once you start planning the details of the site, you'll force yourself to be more specific about what you actually want to do. Don't forget, though, that your website should be clearly focused on one of our course texts. Your task is to "market" the text to a specific audience of your choice.

  2. Cindy, I think that you have great ideas for your website. I particularly like your last idea about the "American Dream". I have heard that phrase a lot through out all of the history courses that I have taken and still hear it a lot today. I think that it would be a really interesting website to explore what the "American Dream" was to the people of the frontier and what it means today. I think that the "American Dream" is not as strong of an idea today as it was back then. Maybe you could explore this and be able to examine if this idea still exists in today's world, is it as strong? If it is not, why is that? And if that is the case how would people from the frontier feel if they looked at our society today?
