Thursday, October 15, 2009

The American Dream Fact or Fiction

When this project was first assigned at the beginning of class I had mixed feelings about it. I am not the most creative person at all. This project was very hard for me to do, but after getting into the project it was very fun to create this web site. I chose to do my site on the American Dream. The address for my web site is
The hardest part of doing this was trying to figher out who I am marketing my web stie to.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Sherman Alexie

This weeks readings were very interesting to read. They give you a unique insite of the writer. I found the reading very fun and entertaining. Stories have a truth to them. When reading them I can see these thing realy happening. They also make you think about the didderent thing going on in the writers live. In every little hurricane I can picture watching thw uncles fight in the snow and also how every one at the party would pick up a little bit of that anger and it would spread in to different memories. In these stories the author puts a little bit of himself in everyone. The stories have kinda a real life feel to them. When reading them I can see them realy taking place in real life. The storie A drug called tradition is one of the best stories in this book. It gives you a look at what people on drugs can think they see.

Friday, October 2, 2009

This week we had to think and read about the tv series 24. I have only seen the first season of he show. After that the show started getting a little out there for my taste. I find it interesting that when we hear about torture we automatically think about water boarding but we don't think about all the torture and villance that are in childrens cartoons. But getting back to 24. The first season was great. Jack was trying to save the life of the president who happened to be African American. The first season was not to over the top Jack most of his information without to much torture. Now from the previews that I have seen there is a lot of hunt them down and get the information anyway posable. The human race have been tortureing each other since the beginning of time. We are just now looking at it as a bad thing. For most people that are tortured it is not the acual act of torture it is the thought of it that gets people to talk. Jack the chareter has evolved from being a good guy to a guy that will do any thing to get the job done no matter what. Has Jack changed a lot or a little since the first season?